
Tuesday 31 May 2011

Can we see atoms ?

Can we see atoms ?
Atoms are so smaller that we can't see with our eyes or microscope.However,in 1981 Gerd Binning and Heinrich Roher invented Scanning Tunneling Microscope (Nobel Prize in Physics in 1986).With this STM we can get good resolution pictures i.e..0.1 n.m lateral resolution,0.01 n.m depth resolution.With this resolution individual atoms within the materials are routinely imaged

    STM image of gold surface here we can see individual atoms of gold
    Photos courtesy wikipedia

    Silicon purple sphere is silicon atom

    cyclopentene molecules on silicon 3.2x3.4 n.m

Scanning Tunneling Microscope
A scanning tunneling microscope (STM) is an instrument for imaging surfaces at the atomic level. Its development in 1981 earned its inventors, Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer (at IBM Zürich), the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1986
The STM consists of the following

A very small, sharp tip that conducts electricity (probe )
A rapid piezoelectric scanning device to which the tip is mounted
Electronic components to supply current to the tip, control the scanner and accept the signals from the motion sensor
Computer to control the system and do data analysis (data collection, processing, display)
The STM works like this:
A current is supplied to the tip (probe) while the scanner rapidly moves the tip across the surface of a conducting sample.
When the tip encounters an atom, the flow of electrons between the atom and the tip changes.
The computer registers the change in current with the x,y-position of the atom.
The scanner continues to position the tip over each x,y-point on the sample surface, registering a current for each point.
The computer collects the data and plots a map of current over the surface that corresponds to a map of the atomic positions

    Heinrich Roher
.    Gerd Binning 
   Scanning Tunneling Microscope(STM)
    STM (Scanning Tunneling Microscope) HEAD

Sunday 29 May 2011


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Thursday 26 May 2011

Chemical Element images/photos/Periodic Table of the Elements

  1 - H ( Hydrogen Discharge tube)     

  2 - He (Helium Discharge tube)          

 3 - Li ( Lithium )                                   

  4 - Be ( Beryllium )                   

   5 - B (Boron)                              

   6 - C ( Carbon Diamond Graphite)

   7 - N ( Liquid Nitrogen) At atmospheric pressure, liquid nitrogen boils at −196 °C and  freezes at 63 K(−210 °C; −346 °F)

   8 - O (Oxygen)

   9 - F (Fluorine)

   10 - N (Neon)

   11 - Na (Sodium) 

   12 - Mg (Magnesium)

   13 - Al (Aluminium)

   14 - Si (Silicon)

   15 - P (Phosphorus)

   16 - S (Sulfur)

  17 - Cl (Chlorine)

   18 - Ar (Argon)

   19 - P (Potassium)

   20 - Ca (Calcium)

   21 - Sc (Scandium)

   22 - Ti (Titanium)

   23 - V (Vanadium)

   24 - Cr (Chromium)

   25 - Mn (Manganese)

   26 - Fe (Iron)

   27 - Co (Cobalt)

  28 - Ni (Nickel)

   29 - Cu (Copper)

  30 - Zn (Zink)

   31 - Ga (Gallium)

   32 - Ge (Germanium)

  33 -As (Arsenic)

   34 - Se (Selenium)

   35 - Br (Bromine)

  36 - Kr (Krypton)

   37 - Rb (Rubidium)

  38 - Sr (Strontium)

   39 - Y (Yttrium)

  40 - Zr (Zirconium)

  41 - Nb (Niobium)

   42 - Mo (Molybdenum)

   43 - Tc (Technetium)

   44 - Ru (Ruthenium)

   45 - Rh (Rhodium)

   46 - Pd (Palladium)

   47 - Ag (Silver)

   48 - Cd (Cadmium)

   49 - In (Indium)

   50 - Sn (Tin)

   51 - Sb (Antimony)

  52 - Te (Tellurium)

   53 - I (Iodine Crystals)

   54 - Xe (Xenon)

  55 Cs (Caesium)

   56 - Ba (Barium)

  57 - La (Lanthanum)

   58 - Ce (Cerium)

   59 - Pr (Praseodymium)

   60 - Nd (Neodymium)

   61 - Pm ( Promethium) being used as a light source for signals in a heat button.

     62 - Sm (Samarium)

   63 - Eu (Europium)

   64 - Gd (Gadolinium)

    65 - Tb (Terbium)

   66 - Dy  (Dysprosium)

    67 - Ho (Holmium)

    68 -Er (Erbium)

   69 - Tm  (Thulium)

    70 - Y (Ytterbium)

    71 - Lu (Lutetium)

    72 - Hf (Hafnium)

    73 - Ta (Tantalum)

    74 - W (Tungsten/Wolfram)

    75 - Re (Rhenium)

    76 - Os (Osmium)

    77 - Ir (Iridium)

    78 - Pt (Platinum)

   79 - Au (Gold)

    80 - Hg (Mercury)

    81 - Tl (Thallium)

    82 - Pb (Lead)

   83 - Bi (Bismuth)

   84 - Po (Polonium)

   85 - At (Astatine)

  86 - Rn (Radon colorless gas) only one radioactive gas in the nature

    87 - Fr (This sample of uraninite contains about 100,000 atoms (3.3×10−20 g) of francium-223 at any given time)

    88 Ra (Radium 226)

    89 - Ac (This uraninite ores have elevated concentrations of actinium)

   90 -Th (Thorium)

   91 - Pa (Protactinium)

    92 - U (Uranium) 235

   93 - Np (Neptunium)

   94 - Pu  (Plutonium)

   95 -Am (Americium)

   96 - Cm (Curium)

   97 -Bk (Berkelium)

    98 - Cf (Californium)

    99 - Es (Einsteinium) 

    100 - Fm (Fermium)

It was discovered in the debris of the first hydrogen bomb explosion in 1952, and named after Nobel laureate Enrico Fermi
Fermium is a synthetic element with the symbol Fm. It is the 100th element in the periodic table and a member of theactinide series. It is the heaviest element that can be formed by neutron bombardment of lighter elements, and hence the last element that can be prepared in macroscopic quantities, although fermium metal has not yet been prepared. A total of 19 isotopes are known, with 257Fm being the longest-lived one with a half-life of 100.5 days.
101 - Md  (Mendelevium)
Mendelevium is a synthetic element with the symbol Md (formerly Mv) and the atomic number 101. A metallic radioactive transuranic element in the actinide series, mendelevium is usually synthesized by bombarding einsteinium with alpha particles. It was named after Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev, who was responsible for the Periodic Table 

102 - No (Nobelium)
Nobelium is a synthetic element with the symbol No and atomic number102.The discovery of element 102 was first announced by physicists at the Nobel Institute in Sweden in 1957. The team reported that they created an isotope with a half-life of 10 minutes, decaying by emission of an 8.5 MeV alpha particle, after bombarding 244Cm with 13C nuclei. The activity was assigned to 251102 or 253102. The scientists proposed the name nobelium (No) for the new element. Later they retracted their claim and associated the activity to background effects.

  103 - Lr (Lawrencium)
Lawrencium is a radioactive synthetic chemical element with the symbol Lr and atomic number 103. In the periodic table of the elements, it is a period 7 d-block element and the last element of actinide series. Chemistry experiments have confirmed that lawrencium behaves as the heavier homologue to lutetium and is chemically similar to other actinides.

   104 - Rf (Rutherfordium)
Rutherfordium is a chemical element with symbol Rf and atomic number 104, named in honor of New Zealand physicist Ernest Rutherford. It is a synthetic element (an element that can be created in a laboratory but is not found in nature) and radioactive; the most stable known isotope, 267Rf, has a half-life of approximately 1.3 hours.

  105 - Db (Dubnium)

  106 - Sg (Seaborgium)

  107 - Bh  (Bohrium)

  108 - Hs  (Hassium)

   109 - Mt (Meitnerium)

   110 - Ds (Darmstadtum)

   111 - Rg (Roentgenium)

  112 - Cn (Copernicium)

   113 - Uut (Ununtrium)

   114 - Uuq (
Ununquadium) Simulation of an accelerated Ca-48 ion about to collide with an Am-243 target atom.Ununquqdium

  115 -Uup (

  116 - Uuh (Ununhexium)

117 - Uus (Ununspetium)

118 - Uuo (Ununoctium)