
Saturday 30 July 2011

Most Powerful Electric Fish in the World "Electric Eel"

World most powerful fish is the ' electric eel '.They are found in Amazon rainforest in rivers of Brazil, Columbia, Venezuela, and Peru. They prefer to live on muddy bottoms in calm fresh water and in stagnant rivers with fresh water. The electric eel will grow to about 2 meters  and weigh about twenty kilogram’s. The mouth of electric eel is square and the fish looks more of a serpentine. Its body is round and more than 85% of that body is the tail. The fish has gills alright but the fish is an obligate air-breather – meaning that every now and then it will keep on rising to the surface to gulp air before returning to the bottom of water. The electric eel has no scales like other fishes. The electric eel feeds on other fishes, amphibians, crabs, birds and small mammals that may find their way into water.

The electric eel is electrogenic meaning it can generate electric fields. The electric eel is also electroreceptive meaning it can detect electric fields from enemies. The electric eel will generate upwards of 500 volts of electricity if disturbed by an enemy. But voltage is nothing without a current. The electric eel will also generate a current of 1amp. This power is a lethal discharge that can cause cardiac failure in large preys like human resulting in instant deaths. It is because of this that the electric eel can claim to be the king of the under water.

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